“Papadopouleion” NursingHome
2014 - Kalamata | Greece
Appointment: 2012
Completion: 2014
Area: 2.213 m2
Location: Kalamata | Greece
Status: Complete
Architect: PEOPLE
MEP Engineer: PEOPLE
Structural Engineer: GM Steel
Photos: Panagiotis Voumvakis

The new elderly care center is located in Kalamata. It targets elderly people from all over Greece as it provides high quality hospitality and medical care services.



The building’s 'passive' systems use its environment’s natural resources - the sun, wind, vegetation, water, and soil - in order to look after its residents and the planet.


This private investment aims to fill a large gap in the respective organizations. Special emphasis is given to the harmonious coexistence of the building with the environment, spatial ergonomics and the functional and high quality living of the elderly. Simultaneously, one of the main objectives of the design is to save energy and ensure thermal comfort for guests through natural cooling ventilation strategies, sun protection and exploitation of solar energy.

Basic elements are passive and energy systems. Passive systems are incorporated in the building, aiming to exploit the natural resources (e.g. sun, wind, vegetation, water, soil, sky) and energy systems concern mainly mechanical innovations.

Papadopouleion People Group

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