Kipseli Youth Hostel
2016 - Athens | Greece
Appointment: 2016
Completion: 2016
Area: 4.100 m2
Location: Athens | Greece
Status: In Progress
Architect: PEOPLE
MEP Engineer: PEOPLE
Structural Engineer: Makris & Partners SA

This design resists the usual repetitive floor plans that result in multitudes of monotonous blocks of flats. Instead, it incorporates spatial elements to give a distinctive neighbourhood feeling to a vertical building. The idea of digging, of removing material, was one of the strongest conceptual ideas. The compact box-like structure is ruptured from the empty space so that the outside world enters in a system of almost cave-like spaces.



The compact box-like structure is ruptured from the empty space so that the outside world enters in a system of almost cave-like spaces.



Emptiness and plentitude are not mutually exclusive. On the contrary, each one blends into the other in an open and dynamic relationship. The result here is the creation of a variety of outdoor spaces, private gardens and differing gradations of privacy. Semi-outdoor and outdoor spaces with different lengths appear in a seemingly random rhythm, achieving a satisfying and playful complexity.

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